Friday 25 March 2011

Daddy and I cannot sleep when we think of you my baby we just fall apart.Confusion is reigning in our minds,heartache has taken its root.I wish I can say it is okay but I cannot.I wish I could say life will be normal but we both know that it will never be.We were waiting to welcome you and raise you to be a fearing woman of God.When I enquired for your name God said I should give you Nkazimulo which means GLORY.You were suppose to come to this world and bring glory unto the Lord;unto His kingdom.I will never know the gift that you had in you.How can life be so ruthless?How can it rob me of the joy of motherhood?I didn't play a big role in raising Vukona and with you I wanted to raise you and not miss any important step of growth but I already missed that before it ever began.

Many people were saying that your sister is too young to have a little sister but I can see that boredom has overcome her,when we told her that you are on the way she was overjoyed and now how do we tell her that you went to Jesus.She never got to see the Nkazi that she would kiss or share sweets with,sing to.We were all ready for you;to love you unconditionally,be there for you but the thief came to steal you away from,killed our hopes and destroyed our dreams that we had.Mommy got you Winnie the pooh tekkies on her 25th birthday;because she knew that Kriel winter is too cold but my angel you won't wear them.What must mommy do now?Nkazi,words cannot really express the pain I have for losing you.No one will ever understand because they didn't carry you for 8 months,they didn't give birth to your lifeless body but I did.I had to bury you and cover you with soil and leave you there.I just believe you are in a better place.Your world is not full of evil people who just steals your joy.Mommy adores you

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