Friday 29 April 2011

Mothers and Mothers-to-be

As I closed my eyes last night,it came to my heart that there are mothers who do not see the blessing infront of them.So I want to tell all mothers out there to cherish your children despite how they came into the world,there are women out there who are barren or having still birth after still birth and they want to share the joy of being called mommy but cannot.As a mother I know how difficult it is raising a child but because there is no manual on parenting so all I do is ask God for wisdom and guidance.I missed my daughter's growing stage as I worked far from home and I left her in the care of my mother and last year I took her to come stay with me and at times it felt like I cannot do it but in a matter of fact I am coping just fine and loving her more each and everyday.The death of my 2nd child taught me to appreciate the gift that I have,my heart still aches for my late child but God is awesome and my girl just brings a good smile on my face daily.

Angel moms who have kids to raise,see the glory of God through these kids.It is not fair to wish if they were not there and the one that went was.Whichever one God chose be thankful that there is that somebody to kiss you good night and reminds you of the joy of motherhood.

Mother's that are finding it difficult to bond with their newborn babies,please see the bigger picture.You were highly favoured by God to bring this innocent soul for you to love and care for.Please do not deprive your children of that.Remember that children come through us and not from us.

Mom whether your child has diffiencies,they are a perfect gift from God.Love them and embrace them.It takes a real woman to narture a child dispite of the physical form.Never think you are being punished for anything,rejoice for God saw you fit to raise such a special kid.Do not be hard on yourself.

Mothers-to-be who doesn't have any support system,the father neglected you,you do not have money to raise the child.Neglecting the child won't make your problems go away.God took you to this journey and surely He has the answer for all your worries,He will take care of you and your baby just please do not swear Him.The story of Mary is a perfect example I mean in raising a respectable,Godly child.Another thing if he left,it is his loss God will bless you with a real man who will be a good father to your child and He also said "I will be a Father to the Fatherless.

I am appealing to you mothers and mothers-to be to devout yourself to your children,yes we are career women and blah blah but in our busy schedules we must share our time with our kids and showing them all the love.Motherhood is sacred,stop complaining and start rejoicing....It took death to make me realise that cherishing our loved ones is important.You can have all the wealth in the world but if you do not love your child it is useless,your money cannot buy them happiness and sense of belonging.

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