Monday 5 September 2011


Let's be honest, whether you lost one child or more, there is no way of getting use to the pain and you often hear people saying "I applaude you of your strength." If you are in Christ you will understand that it is the character of Christ in you that helps you bear so much pain and hide it in the face of the people. One worst thing I have heard is "why is she still crying, isn't she now used to the pain cause this is the 3rd time she miscarried."

Today I want to talk about such harsh comments, and believe me you I am not angry I just don't understand how can a normal human being say that. One angel mom said to my cousin when she tried to offer her support,"it's better cause I didn't yet buy anything for the baby." Really now, how is clothes significant to the pain of losing a child, is it the amount of clothes that says you love this child and wanted him\her? or is it the heart? The minute I fall pregnant I become so excited and I believe for most if not all woman, it's not the amount of clothes but the feelings involved the minute you hear there is a child on the way.

As women, we need to pick each other up and dust off. Some mothers ever since they became angel moms hardly have friends because people find you boring to be always talking about your angel and you don't know many angel moms that you can run too. It is true that you are expected to forget about it and move on but I say you don't have. I talk about my baby girl as though alive even though without pain but with smiles,like I said in my last post this was my decision to let go of my pain and honestly speaking I don't expect everyone to be like me cause we are all unique and deal with issues differently and I am here for any angel mom that needs me.I am not a psychologists but just a friend with willingness to offer my ear. My e-mail address is

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