Monday, 9 July 2012

End of Grief by Candy Page

I have come to the end of my grieving, But not to the end of my loss - For loss has no ending. it will always be there, Wrapped around my heart, Entwined with my love for you. Grief was a long, long journey, Heavy-laden with pain and tears. I know when it began - it began the moment you were born. At that moment grief took over my whole life. It would not leave me alone. It followed me into every corner. It allowed me no solace. Whatever I did, grief was there with me. But slowly, slowly grief diminished. Bit by bit it faded. It became just a little lost voice. The ending was almost imperceptible - One day grief was my small, pale companion, And the next day it was Gone. Loss is now my new companion, Part of my whole self. Every day I know it is there, Every day I welcome its presence. Without loss I would not have my memories, Without loss I would not have you. Loss is a precious, peaceful part of me And I would never wish it to leave.